
Public Accounts Committee


04 Jun 2024 - 11:00



Public Accounts Committee's 2nd meeting for the year 2024


In today's meeting, the committee processed with finalizing the procedure to be followed in the issues received to the committee and other matters. As the secretariat of the committee presented the procedures followed by the committee in the previous years, Baarashu constituency member Ibrahim Shujau proposed to continue following the procedures without any further changes in the future. It was secoded by Central Hithadhoo Constituency member Ahmed Azaan Maurooz.

The details of how members voted are given below.

Vote: To continue to follow the procedures that has been used by the committee of 19th Majlis without further changes:

Total number of members : 11

Number of members present: 11

Voted Yes: 11

Voted against: 0

Abstain: 0

Required to Pass: 6

Result: Passed

Hence, the committee decided to not bring any further changes to procedures used by the committee of 19th Majlis.


The committee discussed regarding the review of the audit reports received to the committee under its mandate. Dhiggaru Constituency member Ahmed Nazim suggested that establishing a congressional budget office could help with the speeding up pace of review of the audit reports. Hence, the member proposed to conduct the research work regarding the establishment of congressional budget office to be done at the earliest. It was seconded by Baarashu constituency member Ibrahim Shujau.

The details of how members voted are given below.

Vote: To conduct researches and do other works regarding the establishment of a congressional budget office.

Total number of members : 11

Number of members present: 11

Voted Yes: 11

Voted against: 0

Abstain: 0

Required to Pass: 6

Result: Passed

Hence, the committee decided do the researches and other works regarding the establishment of a congressional budget office.


Furthermore, Dhiggaru Constituency member Ahmed Nazim also proposed to conduct a meeting with Minister of Finance regarding financial and economic situation of the country, management of the debts along with the challenges involved in the management of such debts. It was seconded by Baarashu constituency member Ibrahim Shujau. The details of how members voted are given below.

Vote: To conduct a meeting with the Minister of Finance.

Total number of members : 11

Number of members present: 11

Voted Yes: 11

Voted Against: 0


Required to Pass: 6

Result: Passed

Hence, the committee decided conduct the mentioned meeting with Minister of Finance on

10th June 2024, Monday.

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