Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt Pays Courtesy Call on Speaker of the People’s Majlis

19 Nov 2023

His Excellency Maged Mosleh, the Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the Republic of Maldives, paid a courtesy call on Honorable Mohamed Aslam, Speaker of the People’s Majlis. The meeting, held today at the People’s Majlis, served as a significant opportunity to reinforce the strong and amicable relations between the Maldives and Egypt. During the meeting, Speaker Aslam expressed appreciation for the continuous support from the Egyptian Government, particularly in providing scholarships to Maldivian students. He conveyed the Maldives' interest in fostering educational collaborations to address extremism, emphasizing the importance of educational training and scholarships from Egypt in this context. Discussions also encompassed potential avenues for strengthening the ties between the People’s Majlis and the Parliament of Egypt. Speaker Aslam underscored the shared values and historical closeness between the two nations as a solid foundation for enhancing bilateral cooperation. Ambassador Maged Mosleh acknowledged the historical affinity between Egypt and the Maldives, emphasizing the shared Islamic values that bind the two nations. The Ambassador unveiled plans for vibrant events commemorating the 55th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Maldives and Egypt in February next year. The meeting also addressed the situation in Gaza, with both the Speaker and the Ambassador reaffirming their shared stance on the issue. Speaker Aslam expressed gratitude for the Ambassador's presence at the Presidential Inauguration Ceremony.
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