The High Commissioner of Sri Lanka calls on the Speaker of the People’s Majlis

11 Dec 2023

Male', 11 December 2023 - His Excellency Adam Maznavee Jaufer Sadiq, the High Commissioner of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka to the Republic of Maldives, paid a courtesy call on the Honorable Mohamed Aslam, Speaker of the People’s Majlis. During the meeting, Speaker Aslam underscored the enduring and significant relations between the Maldives and Sri Lanka, acknowledging the historical ties that have strengthened the bilateral partnership. Speaker Aslam conveyed his keen interest in fostering increased cooperation and engagement between the People’s Majlis and the Sri Lankan Parliament, exploring possibilities for exchange visits, and implementing capacity-building programs for the staff of the People’s Majlis. The meeting served as a platform to reaffirm the commitment to diplomatic ties and mutual cooperation between the Maldives and Sri Lanka, particularly within the context of parliamentary affairs. Both parties expressed their dedication to strengthening the bonds that exist and exploring new avenues for collaboration in the future.
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