Introducing Our Parliament

The Constitution of the Maldives vests legislative authority in the People’s Majlis, the Parliament of Maldives. The Parliament consists of Members of Parliament (MPs) who are elected through a parliamentary election.


The logo of the People’s Majlis consists of a circular emblem bordered with a rope-like pattern. A crescent is centered at the bottom of the circle. Above the crescent, there are three stars set against a blue field.

Beneath the circle, a calligraphy of a Quranic verse, “وَأَمْرُهُمْ شُورَىٰ بَيْنَهُمْ” (Quran 42:38 ), is written in blue. The Quranic verse means "conduct their affairs by mutual consultation." This is the slogan or motto of the Majlis.

The three stars represent the three powers stated in the Constitution of Maldives. That is:

  • Executive
  • Legislature
  • Judiciary

The crescent represents the Islamic faith of the nation.

Flag of People’s Majlis

The flag of the People’s Majlis consists of two equal-sized horizontal bars of green and blue colour with a white crescent at the center. Above the crescent, there are three white stars.

The Three Powers of the State


The Executive Branch makes day-to-day decisions and runs the government. It includes the President, the Vice President, and members of the cabinet as administrators of the government.


The Legislative Branch is the law-making power of the State. This authority is accorded to the People’s Majlis.


The Judicial Branch administers justice and interprets the law. It consists of the Supreme Court, High Court, Superior Courts, and Magistrate Courts.

Main functions of the People’s Majlis

  1. Amending the constitution.
  2. Amending the constitution.
  3. Holding the government accountable by overseeing what the government does and keeping them responsible for their policies and actions.
  4. Approval of national budget.
  5. Holding public referendums.
  6. Determination of matters relating to independent commissions and independent offices.

Structure of the People’s Majlis

The People’s Majlis consists of members of parliament (MPs) elected from electoral constituencies established from 21 administrative divisions.

The membership of the People's Majlis is determined in accordance with the principle outlined in Article 71 of the Constitution. This article states:

  1. Two members for the first five thousand residents registered for each administrative division or two members for administrative divisions with less than five thousand residents; and
  2. Where the residents registered to an administrative division exceed five thousand residents, one additional member for each group of five thousand residents in excess of the first five thousand.

Qualification required to become MP

  1. Must be a citizen of the Maldives.
  2. Must not be a citizen of a foreign country.
  3. Must be a Muslim and follower of a Sunni school of Islam.
  4. Has attained the age of 18 years.
  5. Must be of sound mind.

Disqualification of members

A member of the People’s Majlis immediately becomes disqualified if he:

  1. Has a decreed debt that is not being paid as provided in the judgement.
  2. Has been convicted of a criminal offence and is serving a sentence of more than twelve months.
  3. Has been convicted of a criminal offence and sentenced to a term of more than twelve months, unless a period of three years has elapsed since his release, or pardon for the offence for which he was sentenced.
  4. Is a member of the judiciary.

Speaker and the Deputy Speaker

The Speaker and the Deputy Speaker are elected among members of the Majlis by secret ballot.

The Speaker of the Majlis presides over the Sittings of the Majlis. He or she is responsible for orderly debates within the Majlis by ensuring that members comply with the Standing Orders of the Majlis.

In case of unforeseen circumstances where the Speaker is unable to perform this duty, the Deputy Speaker can temporarily assume these duties.

Parliamentary Committees

There are two types of Parliamentary Committees established in the People’s Majlis. They are the standing committees and the select committees.

Standing committees are permanent committees as their formation is specified in the Standing Orders of the Parliament (link to standing order of parliament). Currently there are 19 standing committees in the Majlis. They meet to study in detail, bills, issues, petitions, motions, etc. referred to them by the Majlis.

Standing committees may work jointly when a decision has been made by the Majlis for two Standing Committees to investigate an issue together.

The Budget Committee’s function is to review the National Budget. This is a joint committee of two standing committees: The Public Finance Committee and the Economic Affairs Committee.

Majlis can also be converted into a Whole House Committee. The quorum for the Whole House Committee is 1/3 of total membership of Majlis.

Select committees are temporary committees created to deal with a specific issue, or a bill, and they cease to exist once the inquiry is over, or the issue is solved.

People’s Majlis Secretariat

The People’s Majlis Secretariat is the administrative office of the Majlis established to assist the Speaker and the MPs in carrying out their constitutional responsibilities in compliance with the Constitution and Standing Orders of the Parliament. The head of the Secretariat is the Secretary General, who is responsible for managing the Secretariat, arranging sittings and documentation of the People’s Majlis.

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