
7th Sitting of 2nd Session of 2014

Agenda Number



2014 Second Term


01 Jul 2014 - 10:00


People's Majlis




Parliamentary Questions
MP for Maradhoo questions Minister of Education Dr. Aminath Shiham


Emergency Motion
Emergency motion by Hon. Imthiyaz Fahumy, MP for Maafannu Uthuru Constituency

Rejected by Vote

Parliamentary Approvals
Presidents nominees for the post of Prosecutor General sent to Committee on Independent Institutions for review

Passed at Parliament

Parliamentary Approvals
President’s request to extend guarantee period of over-draft facility leased to STELCO by BML, sent to Public Accounts Committee for review

Passed at Parliament

Parliamentary Approvals
Maldives’ accession to the (Supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime)

Passed at Parliament

Parliamentary Approvals
Nominee sent by the President for the vacant post of Member of Police Integrity Commission was sent to the Committee on Independent Institutions for review

Passed at Parliament

Parliamentary Approvals
Ambassador to Belgium and European Union, based in Brussels, and also appointed as non-resident Ambassador of the London High Commission were sent for review to the Committee on National Security.

Passed at Parliament

Parliamentary Approvals
non-resident High Commissioner of Maldives to the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Committee Stage

Parliamentary Approvals
non-resident Ambassador of Maldives to the UAE and State of Kuwait

Committee Stage

Parliamentary Approvals
The Presidents nominee for the post of Deputy Governor of MMA

Committee Stage

Parliamentary Approvals
Non-resident Ambassador of Maldives to Singapore

Committee Stage

Parliamentary Approvals
The Presidents nominee for the post of Information Commissioner

Committee Stage

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