20th Parliament Works - Parliamentary Approvals

2025 First Term
Parliamentary Approvals
The matter referred by the President for the appointment of the President and Vice-President of the Elections Commission


Parliamentary Approvals
The matter has been referred by the President for the approval of Hon. Thoriq Ibrahim as Minister of Tourism and Environment


Parliamentary Approvals
Matter referred by the President on the appointment of the Vice-President of the Anti-Corruption Commission


Parliamentary Approvals
Matter referred by the President for the appointment of the Non-Resident Ambassadors

Committee Stage

Parliamentary Approvals
Matter referred by the President for the appointment of the Permanent Representative to the International Maritime Organization


Parliamentary Approvals
Matter referred by the President for the appointment of the Permanent Representative to the International Renewable Energy Agency


Parliamentary Approvals
Matter referred by the President for the appointment of the Permanent Representative to the World Trade Organization


Parliamentary Approvals
Matter referred by the President for the appointment of the Non-Resident Ambassador to Canada and The Arab Republic of Egypt


Parliamentary Approvals
Matter referred by the President for the appointment of the Non-Resident Ambassador to Kingdom of Bhutan


Parliamentary Approvals
Matter referred by the President for the appointment of the Permanent Representative to Organisation of Islamic Cooperation


Parliamentary Approvals
The matter referred by the President for the approval of the Parliament on the participation of "The Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works"


Parliamentary Approvals
Matter referred by the President for the appointment of the Non-Resident Ambassadors to State of Kuwait and Swiss Confederation


2025 Special Sitting
Parliamentary Approvals
The President has referred the matter for the appointment of 2 members to the Maldives Broadcasting Commission


Parliamentary Approvals
The matter referred by the President for the appointment of members to the Elections Commission


Parliamentary Approvals
The President has sent the motion for the appointment of the Vice-President of the Human Rights Commission of the Maldives


Parliamentary Approvals
The names of the 4 persons appointed by the President as members of the Cabinet on 26 December 2024


Parliamentary Approvals
The case has been referred by the President under Article 4 (n) of Act No. 13/2008 (Anti-Corruption Commission Act) for the appointment of members to the Anti-Corruption Commission


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