By consensus of the committee members present at the meeting, the sub-committee report on the issue submitted by Naifaru Council regarding the challenges faced in functioning the council was passed. The Committee further decided that the Local Government Authority cannot deduct or withhold the salaries and allowances of a councilor as punishment under an enquiry and penalizing regulation, as the Article 117 of the Decentralization Act (7/2010) dictates that the Parliament shall decide on the remuneration and allowances of the members of the councils and that the Act doesn’t state any other procedure to deduct their salaries and allowances. Committee also decided to meet with the newly appointed members to the newly reconstituted board of the Local Government Authority by the President according to Article 7 of special legislation to ensure the continued functioning of decentralized government during the committee meeting to be held on 12:00 of 23rd June 2020.