Committee on Economic Affairs

Committee on Economic Affairs 4th Meeting 2022

07 Mar 2022 Number 4


In this meeting, committee reviewed the resolution to facilitate the services of cargo boats in Ihavandhippolhu proposed by Hoarafushi constituency member Hon. Ahmed Saleem. Committee decided to draft committee report based on the information gathered from the relevant authorities. Secondly, committee discussed about the Capital Market Summary for the year 2021 sent by Capital Market Development Authority. Dhuvaafaru constituency Ismail Ahmed proposed to meet CMDA regarding the report and it was supported by Honorable member of Central Maafannu constituency Ibrhaim Rasheed. All members present at the time of vote voted in favor of the proposal.


23 Feb 2022

Letter sent by Capital Market Development Authority


22 Nov 2021

Resolution proposed to facilitate the services of cargo boats in Ihavandhippolhu.


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