
Committee on National Development And Heritage


29 Mar 2022 - 11:00



Committee on National Development and Heritage 4th Meeting of 2022


In this meeting, the Committee commenced its work on the Bill on Classification of Content. Motion proposed by Hon. Ikram Hassan, MP for Dhiggaru Constituency, seconded by, Hon. Ibrahim Naseem, MP for Thulusdhoo Constituency, to set 27 April 2022 as the deadline to finish work on the Bill was passed unanimously. The Committee also decided to open the Bill for public comments until 5 April 2022, and to conduct meetings in relation to the Bill, with officials of the following stakeholders: 1. Ministry of Economic Development; 2. Ministry of Arts, Culture & Heritage; 3. Maldives Broadcasting Commission; and 4. Maldives Media Council. Further in this meeting, the response from the Ministry Education in relation to Resolution calling to rectify the issues faced by Madhrasathul Ifthithah was discussed by the Committee. The Committee decided to prepare its report on the matter and to present it to the Majlis Floor.

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