
Public Accounts Committee


25 Oct 2023 - 12:00



Public Accounts Committee's 15th meeting for the year 2023


In today's meeting, discussion was held regarding the letter received from Auditor General's Office requesting to notify any special audit of a particular sector of the state or a particular program or project run by the government to be included in their annual workplan for the year 2024. The committee decided to discuss this further and respond to the Auditor General's Office in the next meeting. The audit report and annual report for the year 2022 approved by the Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Maldives were shared with the committee in accordance with section 24 of the Chartered Accountants Act (No. 13/2020). The committee also decided to hold a meeting with the Ministry of Finance to discuss the statement indicating the Medium-Term Fiscal Strategy and Debt Strategy for 2024-2026. After discussing the letter sent by R.Dhuvaafaru Council seeking advice on the provision of sitting allowance to the members of the Council formed in various sectors and the committees constituted by law to increase the consultation and participation of the people in the administration of the Council. It has been decided to inform the Council that members of the Council who participate in committees such as those mentioned in the council's letter will not be entitled to sitting allowance within the pay structure of the council members. Later on, the committee decided to carry out the discussions of the North Thiladhunmathi Baarashu Council Audit Reports for 2013 and 2016 on another meeting of the committee.

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