
Committee on State Owned Enterprises


24 Oct 2023 - 11:00



State Owned Enterprises Committee's 26th meeting for the year 2023


In today's meeting, the members present at the committee unanimously decided to give parliament’s approval to Uz. Fathimath Shirween, who has been appointed by the President as a member of the Privatization and Corporatization Board. (9 votes) The members present at the committee also unanimously decided to give parliament’s approval to Mr. Mohamed Aazad, who has been appointed by the President as a member of the Privatization and Corporatization Board. (10 votes) Then the members discussed the pending issues in the committee status and decided as follows. 1. Decided to resume the issue of assessing the status of state-owned enterprises and reviewing financial accounts of SOE’s after the change in the board of companies following the change of government and to take the matter off the agenda for the time being. 2. Decided to resume the process of conducting a review of state-owned enterprises after the change in the board of companies following the change of government, and to take the matter off the agenda for the time being. 3. Decided to obtain information from STELCO, Fenaka Corporation and Ministry of Environment, Climate change and Technology regarding the issue proposed by MP Ibrahim Rasheed to clarify the works being undertaken by government to reduce electricity tariff rates. 4. Decided to obtain the latest information from MITDC and Ministry of Finance regarding the issue proposed to clarify why MITDC has failed to pay dues to private companies. (6 votes) 5. Decided to resume the issue proposed by MP Ibrahim Rasheed regarding the duties and responsibilities of Privatization and Corporatization Board members once the full board starts functioning and to take the matter off the agenda for the time being. 6. Decided to review the issue proposed by MP Mohamed Nihad to investigate corruptions occurred in PSM during the last 5 years while reviewing another issue related to PSM and decided to take this matter off agenda. 7. The Secretariat was asked to share the important points of the audit report regarding alleged corrupt transactions in the procurement of fuel for the operations of Maldives Ports Limited with the members.

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