Committee on National Security Services

1st Meeting of 2024

13 Feb 2024 Number 1


Committee discussed regarding the issue submitted to find out whether MNDF and Maldives Police Service performed their duties as protesters who were protesting near the parliament house hurled various objects into the premises. Committee discussed regarding the issue submitted to ensure that the investigation of the fatal attack on Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem on the streets of Male' city is completed within a reasonable time. Committee discussed regarding the issue submitted to hold the accountable bodies responsible in view of the ongoing media reports that foreign troops have entered the Maldives' territorial waters with weapons and that the intelligence gathering vessels are found near the territorial waters of the Maldives.


04 Feb 2024

Issue submitted to hold the accountable bodies responsible of the ongoing media reports that foreign troops have entered the Maldives' territorial waters with weapons.


31 Jan 2024

issue submitted to find out whether MNDF and Maldives Police Service performed their duties as protesters who were protesting near the parliament house hurled various objects into the premises.


31 Jan 2024

Issue submitted to ensure that the investigation of the fatal attack on Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem on the streets of Male' city is completed within a reasonable time.


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