Committee on National Security Services

05th Meeting of 2024

26 Mar 2024 Number 5


1. The committee decided April 30, 2024, as the deadline of the resolution submitted to identify the measures taken by the Maldives to reduce the risk of terrorism and the impact of the U.S. government's announcement that 20 Maldivians are actively involved in international terrorism. 2. The Committee decided May 15, 2024, as the deadline of the resolution submitted to conduct a public inquiry to ascertain the truth of the allegations that the policies of the recent Maldivian Democratic Party government have affected national security. 3. After discussing the case submitted to monitor and investigate the issue of promotion of post to police personnel, the committee decided to write a letter to the Maldives Police Service seeking relevant information to clarify what had happened. 4. After discussing the case submitted to monitor and investigate the retirement of MNDF personnel, the committee decided to write a letter to the Ministry of Defence to clarify the number of generals who have retired after Friday, November 17, 2023, and the procedures followed by them in their retirement, and then to clarify the information required from some retired generals. 5. The committee then decided to initiate the following matters: a) The issue submitted to seek the additional information that the Ministry of Defence has received regarding the May 6, 2021, attack on former Speaker of the Parliament. b) The issue submitted to seek the details as to which the UAVs were received by the government and the expenditure incurred by the state for the purpose. c) The issue submitted to find a solution to the problem of smuggling of drugs into the country and to study the procedures followed by the authorities concerned.


26 Mar 2024

The issue submitted to seek the additional information received by the Ministry of Defence regarding the May 6, 2021, attack.


26 Mar 2024

Issue submitted to seek the details as to which the UAVs were received and the expenditure incurred by the state for the purpose.


26 Mar 2024

Issue submitted to find a solution to the problem of smuggling of drugs into the country .


13 Dec 2023

To monitor and investigate the issue of promotion of post to police personnel.


13 Dec 2023

To monitor and investigate the retirement of MNDF personnel.


11 Dec 2023

Resolution submitted under Section 167 of Standing Orders, by Hon. Abdul Mughni, MP for North Thinadhoo


04 Dec 2023

Resolution submitted under Section 167 of Standing Orders, by Hon. Mohamed Nazim, MP for Dhangethi


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