Budget Committee

Budget Committee - 2021 Forecast Budget Review 01st Sitting

09 Nov 2020 Number 1


As per the agenda of todays meeting , the committee coordinator Director of Legal Affairs, Ahmed Nazim Mohamed opened to nominate member names for Budget committee 2021 Chair. Parliament member for North Hithadhoo constituency Mohamed Aslam named Parliament Member for Kinbidhoo Mohamed Nashiz as Chair, Supported by Parliament Member for North Thinadhoo constituency Abdul Mughunee. The Name was passed by 20/21 of votes. Then, the committee coordinator opened to nominate member names for Budget committee 2021 Vice Chair. Parliament Member for South Hithadhoo constituency Ibrahim Nazil nominated, Parliament Member for Alifushi constituency Mohamed Rasheed Hussain as Vice Chair for the committee, Supported by Parliament Member for Central Maafannu constituency Ibrahim Mohamed Rasheed.The Name was passed by 20/21 of votes. Next, the chair and Vice chair took their elected seats. The committee passed the same Article of association used previous year as propesed by Parliament Member for Kudahuvadhoo constituency Ahmed Amir and supported by Parliament Member for Dhaandhoo constituency Yaugoob Abdulla. The committee decided to meet with Ministry of Finance ( Budget Team), along With Minister of Economics Development and Minister of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure on next sitting ( 10.11.2020 Tuesday) afterwards to schedule a meeting with Maldives Monetary Authority and Auditor General Office and to meet with Ministry of Finance ( Budget Team) before the committee wrap up the Budget works


23 Nov 2020

Committee Report no: M19/BGT/2020/01


09 Nov 2020

2021 Forecast Budget Works


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