ކޮމިޓީގެ ނަން

General Purpose Committee


18 މޭ 2023 11:00



General Purpose Committee 3rd meeting of the year 2023


The agenda of today's meeting was to determine the time length for members to speak during the debate on the no-confidence motion of the Attorney general Uz. Ibrahim Riffath. The Committee members discussed the issue, and it was proposed by MP Abdul Ghani Abdul Hakeem that time must be allocated in accordance with s.207(c) of the Parliament Regulation and, since the total time allocated for such debates is 2 hours, and considering the previous procedures followed in similar matters, time must be allocated as; 10 minutes to begin the debate, 10 minutes in the middle of the debate and 10 minutes in the end of the debate, with a total of 30 minutes allocated to the Attorney General, and the remaining 1 hour and 30 minutes allocated to the members of the Parliament. This was unanimously approved by the members who attended the meeting.

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16 މޭ 2023 - To decide the time length for members to speak during the debate on the no-confidence motion of Attorney General.

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