ކޮމިޓީގެ ނަން

General Purpose Committee


18 އޮކްޓޯބަރު 2023 11:00



General Purpose Committee 7th meeting of the year 2023.


In today's meeting, committee discussed on concluding the time length for the debate on the no confidence motion of the Speaker of People's Majlis. Committee members decided to give total duration of 2hrs, in which total 30 minutes time to be given to the Speaker of People's Majlis to defend himself, where 10 minutes to be given when starting of the debate, another 10 minutes to be given in the middle of the debate and lastly, another 10 minutes to be given at the end of the debate. Moreover, committee members also decided to give remaining 1hr 30 minutes from the 2hrs to the members of the Parliament, where to give not more than 3 minutes to each member who wishes to participate in the debate .

ބައްދަލުވުމުގައި ކުރެވުނު މަސައްކަތްތައް
15 އޮކްޓޯބަރު 2023 - To conclude time length for the debate on the no confidence motion of the Speaker of People's Majlis.

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