State Institutions related Standing Committees

20th Committee on Economic Affairs

Email Committee




Committee works


Committee meetings


Mandates of the committee include reviewing economic matters and submit them to the People's Majlis if there are any changes required to economic policies and overseeing matters related to Ministry of Finance, Maldives Customs Service, Maldives Inland Revenue Authority, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture and Capital Market Development Authority regarding the state economy. In addition, to review the Bills related to aforementioned institutions and report it for consideration to the Majlis, to review and then highlight the issues that needs to be amended in respect of the annual reports of those institutions, to review the issues submitted by those institutions and advise on how to proceed, and meet with those institutions, collect information on their work, querying, acquiring information on the respective administrations and making recommendations on improvements. And to submit committee’s report after carrying out all necessary procedures regarding the appointment and issues submitted regarding dismissal of Maldives Inland Revenue Authority’s (MIRA) Board members.

Committee Members

Former members of the committee

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